Sunday, May 11, 2008

10th May

Its not uncommon to see primmed up fastidious young people mourning the state of affairs in India today. There are endless crib sessions about how the future of countless Indians lie in the hands of moral underdogs...The conversations have elements of serious concern ranging from poor infrastructure to the state of farmers in our country, from food prices and inflation to crime and injustice crippling our country, and just about anything one can think of under the sun....Ask some of those individuals about whether they exercised their most important right - voting - in order to undefile the debased political scenario, and more often than not the reply will not be in
the affirmative........There'll be a host of pretexts...and all you can do is sigh..

I think its high time we take a not talk about swaggering politicians who do nothing except shovelling in hoards of money, when it is us who need some moral police...Lets not go overboard talking about our above average demeanor.....If we cannot be earnest enough in sparing 15 minutes to cast a vote....n if all that an election day means is another holiday then theres little point in talking about anything at all..

The Art of Living

Of all things that can contribute in making the world a better place, 'presence of mind' is undisputedly the most important. To see things as they are is truely a blessing, and this is precisely what the Art Of Living is all about. One may take it for granted, considering the ubiquitous posters present across the city, showing Guruji's ( Sri Sri RaviShankar Ji's) photo. Just like I did....

A couple of years earlier, I was told about the Art of Living by one of my I-wish-well-for-you aunts. I shrugged it off thinking it gonna be yet another one of those yoga courses claiming to turn every mortal cell in your body into divine cosmos overnight....But eversince it had an almost uncanny presence in by mind....The second time I chanced upon the Art of Living was when it had been a mandatory program in my workplace. I cringed. I somehow managed to come through half the program, before I yielded to my less than spiritual self, and called the program quits (upbeat). The third time the harbinger was a pamphlet thrusted into my hand by an old lady who I met when I was blissfully walking some morning in one of my favourite gardens close to my house. She looked not more than 40, and she asked me to guess her age. I was amused, hesitant, and a little irked having to stop the walk to answer this. I gave her a cursory 'could be around 35' answer. ( -5 was just in case my real guess was too much..). Ofcourse she smiled. She said she was 65. (whoa!). She said she had arthritis and a myriad of other health problems...n that now she enjoyed reasonably good health. I was intrigued. I found myself asking her how she managed to do all this....hoping to get some good 'Health Tips'. All she
said was 'be there', pointing to the pamphlet which managed to remain
in my hand till then without much of my notice....This time I din't think...(and thank god for that) and just gave in. I was there on the first day of the Basic course of the Art of Living.

It took this much for me to begin to believe in the Art of Living...and I am more than happy I dint get lazy that morning....:)..Cuz If I hadnt....I'd miss yet another chance of doing a wonderful program..The Sudarshan Kriya that I learnt is far more than just pranayama...It isn't just some breathing techniques...and the experience it leaves you with just cannot be described in words..It has to be felt...I think its one of the most profound experiences physically
, mentally and emotionally....Things seem to be much more seamless and settled down after doing the kriya..Grabbing time to do stuff has given way to finding time to do things....Running behind things is now giving way for letting things happen...Worrying incessantly has given way to surrendering....I wouldnt say things are perfect now....Far from it...There are still days when I feel directionless...But there is also something that tells things will get better....

I had always been skeptical about how a course as simple as this, can claim to change someone's life. But ironically, like Guruji says, the more you think you don't need it, the more you actually do. ..:)...Jai Gurudev.