Saturday, January 16, 2010

realisations galore..

I am no great writer or anyone whose set out on a mission
to get people to think.. but a lot is going wrong.. and there are realisations... about how
things are changing in India... about the pace at which it is changing and
the direction...
The base and the scariest part.. is the deep rooted inferiority thats somehow
creeped into the minds of Indians. Why else would there be so much admiration for the West.
Why else would people be proud about their children studying abroad..Why else would there be

so much excitement about visiting places abroad.. Its not like India does not have the

ability to give its citizens education.. or that we do not have beautiful places. Then why

is there a hint of pride on being tagged as someone whose been abroad? Why does that thought

even arise...Why is it cooler if a person has visited Switzerland or Scotland.. and not so

cool if the same person goes to Matheran or Panchghani..? I am not against going anywhere..

infact I'd like to visit places too... but m as excited to visit these places as I'd be to

visit Jammu or Ladakh...What I don't understand is the 'extra' importance given to people

abroad.. or places abroad.. Why are we Indians always gullible.. and so easily led into

believing something... In order to get India its rightful place in the world.. the first

step and the most important one.. is that we stop believing that places/people abroad are

superior to us in anyway. They are not. This is a fact and the earlier we start believing,

the better it would be for our country.

A lot has already been talked about our culture being influenced by the West... English is

important period. Everyone wants to learn english and the fact remains, we need it. We

need to be good at English to keep pace with the world. But it is english that is

important.. not the culture it brings..!.. We need to adopt English.. but not let it replace

our own languages..!..We need to use English and move ahead.. Not let the English culture replace our own... On the contrary, this gives us even more reason to consiously stick to our roots.. because thats where our identity stems from. And When I talk about our roots, it includes everything.. food.. religious beliefs.. traditions.. culture.. languages.. We need to preserve them and not get swept away. I do see a lot of people of our generation making efforts to learn and keep up. But it isnt enough. Because there is a much larger crowd which does not. We need to consiously make an effort to learn our traditions and beliefs so that we can keep them for the generations to come. If things keep moving as they are now.. it wouldn't take too many generations to lose them all..