Monday, February 14, 2011

Toruk Makto..!

Why I called this blog what I called this blog.. would be evident in just a little while..
these are certainly some of the biggest lessons in life that i've learnt till now.. n you'd hear most people talk or blog abt them.. so nows my chance and here goes..

1. Be positive. Come what may. As a friend once said..' even if you are totally useless.. you could still be used as a bad example'....(hee..hee..) be positive heck whatever... we are humans.. bound to make mistakes... forgive yourself.. its more important than you think it is..

2. Believe in good karma. We're always doing things... even while we aren't doing anything.. We're still doing've gotta be doing something always.. thats how nature is..thats how we're made.. so while we're doing things.. lets do good things.. and lets do right things... its that gut feeling which shouts 'NO'!..

3. Identify your ambitions... and take steps to overcome the obstacles your own 'Toruk Makto'..... its the 'rider of the last shadow'.... what Jake Sully becomes in the movie 'Avatar' when he finally conquers the 'Toruk'... so be your own Jake Sully...identify your own 'Toruk'.. or the things within that stop could be your own limiting belief..or some inherited fear... or just plain bad habits which you'd do much better without......take more responsibility... in your job.. or take a new job altogether if that helps... a life spent in comfort zone is gonna be a life full of regrets..!... get higher education... doing something you like.. or anything that takes you closer to what you like... do that thing.... whatever you choose to do.. remember that you've got to live with your choices.. n you've gotta live with them forever..!

4. Have faith.. in whatever you choose to do.. irrespective of what people might think of you.. sometimes irrespective of your own skepticism you put yourself through... have faith.. stand up to your beliefs.. which might be really tough at times... and sometimes with such high stakes that it seems almost sane to let go of your own beliefs and move with the herd...whatever the it a job, money, or all the tea in china... nothings a big price to pay when it comes to your own belief..

5. Practice yoga.. it gives you strength and faith in times when you really need it.. it strengthens your own purpose.. it makes you believe from deep within.. sometimes life just wears our beliefs out so ruthlessly.. that it takes ages to restore it.. yoga really helps.. i'm telling ya...

6. Eat good food... sleep well... laugh out loud..

7. Never skip breakfast..!

9. Forget all rules.. n just be happy..!